Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Here is another as I vent my frustrations list

1. The obnoxious neighbor who blares on repeat mind you, crystal castles "air war" at 334 A.M. The terd burglar enjoys disrupting everyone because he's a pirate.

2. People who don't wash their hands after using the bathroom. C'mon I don't want your urine sprinkles or God knows what else touching me.

3. The smell of laundry that hasn't been taken out of the washing machine, wtf, that calls for a rewash. Stinky ass clothes ewww!

and last, but not least

4. Bird calling, I don't understand why some guys find it amusing to holler when girls are walking together. I mean, it's bad enough you can't even say hi politely. No, I will not give you my information. So do yourself a favor and go buy a playboy and make yourself happy.

on a side note, I have no idea who this is, but she is cute prego!

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