Thursday, March 05, 2009


I woke up extra early this morning to do my random GOOGLE word search on images. So upon googling "Jiggers" this is what came up.

Did you know that this is caused by a female flea (Tunga penetrans) that burrows itself into the skin of it's host usually under the toenails and fingernails thus causing this unsightly clustering of death to the skin.

Seriously, I almost ralphed looking at these photos, but it's an epidemic and it's good to know that there is more information about jiggers. I'm not trying to be sarcastic, I think it's really unfortunate that fleas can do this to people.

On a happier note, I also googled "jigge" and this is what popped out

awww so kawaii

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

sheena why did you make me look at this? you are crazy.